My rating: 5 of 5 stars
“Loving the Rain” engrossed me as much as did author Jeff LaFerny’s more recent novels (“Skeleton Key” and “Bulletproof”) for several reasons. Despite my disinterest in sports, I found myself immediately involved in “Loving the Rain” (yes, that title has a major pivot in the book) because the author leads two of his main characters-father and son duo Clay and Tanner Thomas-through some serious moral and philosophical obstacles. Here are two individuals, both of whom are cursed, or gifted, with mental abilities that are extraordinary and not usually available to others, in both cases quite possibly due to birth trauma. Each is confronted with a fork in his path, in the sense that he must decide how to use these abilities, or indeed, whether or not to use them at all. Should Clay, or should Tanner, influence others? If so, whom? Spouse? Children? Parent? Grandparents? Maybe teachers, coaches, professors, teammates? Best friends or girlfriends? When one considers that these two individuals can quite literally change anyone’s mind, this quickly becomes not a moot point at all, but a very serious question.
Another reason this novel so intrigued me is that it is the beginning of the Thomas family saga, and events occur here which will literally change the lives of both father Clay and son Thomas, explaining situations that are present in the latter two books. Additionally, the writing is so smooth-flowing that the reader will be at the end almost without realizing it, caught up in the attitudes, the events, and as well, the villainy which will face off against the Tanners and attempt to ruin both their lives.
The author provided me with a copy of this novel in exchange for my fair and honest review of “Loving the Rain.”
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