My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Review of Walker by Steven Ramirez
A short story
5 stars
This short story has all the powerful impact of a punch to the solar plexus-simply because, the “what if?” becomes “it just may be.” A devoted family man, in love with his wife, dedicated to the best being of his daughter, must confront a medical condition-turned Supernatural – and deadly. Each one of us knows how difficult it is to be roused from a sound sleep, how out of sorts and disjointed it makes us feel; and being awakened while in dreaming state is even more intense. How, then, if we are awakened from Sleepwalking? It’s said to be dangerous for the health, and there’s always the possibility of physical danger (stepping in front of a car, falling down stairs); but what if there’s more to worry about? What if waking from Sleepwalking means it’s not we ourselves who awaken-but something else?
Read this terrifying short story and find out; and then I dare you, to fall asleep.
The author provided me with an e-book copy, in return for my provision of a fair and honest review.
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