My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Review of The Colony by F. G. Cottam
There is a small pantheon of authors whose books I will read no matter the topic or genre. One of them is F. G. Cottam, who does not have it in him to pen a bad book, nor anything less than sheerly perfect. While Mr. Cottam is peeling his characters down to their bare bones and revealing everything about them we didn’t even imagine to ask, his horror is subtly, on little cat feet like the fog (as a famous poet once told us), creeping up behind us to tap us on one unsuspecting shoulder and deliver a fright that will truly terrify the living daylights out of us. Make that many frights, for in this story the terrors are both unstoppable and non-stop. But unlike some authors, Mr. Cottam doesn’t leave us wallowing in the gulping quicksand of terror; instead, he finds value and hope where none should exist, much like a daisy peeping up in a barren nuclear wasteland.
My only complaint is that Mr. Cottam can’t publish once a month or oftener. My recourse is to read all he has published, and then to reread.
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