My rating: 4 of 5 stars
“Last Call for the Living” is a thriller, but it is also a study of character: of the good guys, the bad guys-and the innocent, such as poor Charlie Colquitt, an unmeaning victim on a date with destiny. In an economically isolated rural area of North Georgia, a lone branch bank remains, the sole business in an otherwise abandoned and vacant strip mall on a back road, far from Interstate traffic. Few customers hold accounts there; the branch mainly services paycheck cashing for mills. Not much of a job, engineering student and social isolate Charlie knows, but it does pay his rent and buy his course texts, and what little’s left over goes for his only hobby, model rocketry.
Along comes a hard guy with the wrong attitude, an ex-felon who’s done twelve years of hard time in various Georgia institutions, and he’s doing a bank heist. On a Saturday morning, only two tellers in the branch, and a fresh new delivery from the armored truck: the set-up is perfect, so thinks felon Hicklin-but he isn’t figuring on Charlie Colquitt, or the Georgia Bureau of Investigation-or the Aryan Brotherhood. Charlie is not the usual routine individual; and considering what a swamp of trouble Hicklin’s about to get into, maybe this is one job he should have just foregone and forgotten.
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