My rating: 3 of 5 stars
“My Favourite Fangs” parodies “The Sound of Music,” the classic heartwarming, hopeful tale fo the Von Trapp Family of Austria in the 1930’s, in the era of the rise of Nazism to power in Germany, which led to World War II. Now as we know, in the original, love, hope, faith, and charity triumphed. In this version, triumph goes to Vampires-specifically, Vampire Maria Trapp, an oversexed near-immortal who has spent a couple of centuries hanging around with the Zombie Sisters of the Abbey of the Dead in Austria. Zombies are not known for their intelligence or brain capacity, and so the Abbey’s Mother Superior (known of course as Mother Zombie) determines to send out Maria as governess to the wild, foul-mouthed, misbehaving, hoyden children of Georg von Trapp, a wealthy (but severely alcoholic) estate-owner. These little heathens were semi-orphaned by the death of their mother, and the emotional withdrawal of their father. Supervised by housekeeper Alice (see “The Brady Bunch”) and butler Albert (see “Batman”), the children run wild-literally; until the arrival of overblown Maria, who determines to set them straight-in some cases, by converting them to vampirism, in other cases by playing on their prurient interests.
“My Favorite Fangs” is campy-excessively so-and relies in large part on pop culture of the latter 20th century as the fulcrum of its multitude of joking references. The humour level struck me as appealing to adolescent boys; although I did enjoy the introduction of John Coltrane as a sort of Spirit Guide from the Astral plane, even though at the time he was still alive and an active musician.
I rate this 18+ for graphic violence, profanity, and sexual situations involving individuals under 18.
Although it is highly possible, maybe even likely, that fourteen-year-old boys and sixteen-year-old girls think, talk, and behave in sexually explicit fashion, I would prefer not to read about it and I caution readers who might find this uncomfortable.
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