My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Review: TO KILL A PRIEST: THE PRIORS, PART 1 by Weston Kincade
TO KILL A PRIEST in its first incarnation was the original, debut, novel by exceptional poet-author Weston Kincade. It has been reworked in the interim, but the very fact that author Kincade's overflowing talent shone right out of the starting gate simply leaves me in awe. I call him an author-poet because his prose artistry is poetry; lyrical, vivid, and compelling, finding beauty and purpose in details others would overlook. [The only authors I can think of in any way comparable are Garth Stein and Brendan Duffy.] I could sit and savor Mr. Kincade's prose one sentence at a time; but the rapidity of the plot propels me forward like a slingshot. Needless to say, Weston Kincade is one of my never-miss authors, after reading only two books [so far]: A LIFE OF DEATH, THE COMPLETE FIRST NOVEL; and TO KILL A PRIEST!
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