My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Review of Fresh Blood, Old Bones Anthology
5 stars
“Fresh Blood, Old Bones” is an anthology of fine offerings from some very new authors, aligned with stories from icons of horror. Eighteen tales, each a winner, from some authors you know and revere, others from writers who might be new to you-but will soon become treasured icons themselves. Kasey Lansdale edited and organized this anthology, purposely to showcase new talent, as well as offering stories from long-term bestsellers who bring new offerings to the table of bizarre, horror, sci fi, and fantasy. It’s a sure bet that these eighteen stories will linger in the reader’s mind; an even surer bet that readers will be rushing to the nearest bookselling outlet to find what else these very special writers have penned. Still need convincing? Let me say this: Joe R. Lansdale; Neal Barrett Jr.; Nancy A. Collins; and then let me add some more tantalisers: John Everson, John Paul Allen (go on, just TRY and forget his entry), Sara Brooke (ditto), Sam W. Anderson, Stephen Mertz, Folly Blaine, Juan Perez, Tim Bryant, Sheri White, Del Howison; and Monica J. O’Rourke, Scott Cupp, Reid Kerr, Rhonda Eudaly, and Chris N. Brown. Now come on! You know you want it! If you’re still not convinced-go get a sample, read it, and then, for goodness’ sake, buy and savour and reread this Anthology!
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