My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Review of To Dance in Liradon by Adrienne Clarke
5 Stars
I loved reading this book for its lyrical writing and poetic imagery, its easy suspension of disbelief, and the multitude of instances of tension in which the reader feels balanced on a tightrope (will the character fall this way? Or that way?) such as between Brigid and the Faery Queen, Brigid and Lord Osin, Brigid and Connor, or in many other instances. This tension keeps reader’s attention, because we really don’t know what “will happen next,” and we intend to find out. I applaud the writing and the story line. Even for a reader like myself to whom Fantasy is not my first choice of genre, “To Dance with Liradon” is a rereader. So don’t miss out on a special novel-get this one soon.
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Thank you so much for reading my book, Mallory. I really appreciate your support for my work.