Title: The Widow’s Son
Author: Thomas Shawver
Genre: Mystery / Thriller
Thomas Shawver, author of The Dirty Book Murder and Left Turn at Paradise, returns to the surprisingly lethal world of rare books with a third enthralling novel featuring a most unlikely hero -- antiquarian bookseller Michael Bevan.
A furious man from nearby Independence, Kansas demands that Michael Bevan return a rare first edition of the Book of Mormon, claiming that it was mistakenly sold by a disgruntled descendant of A.J. Stout. Contained on the frontispiece are a list of Ford names dating from 1845 to the present. Beside each name, save the last two, is a check mark - but what could the checks signify? With this discovery, Michael Bevan stumbles onto a trail of hatred and murder stretching back to 1844.
Author Bio
Thomas Shawver is a former marine officer, lawyer, and journalist with American City Business Journals. An avid rugby player and international traveler, Shawver owned Bloomsday Books, an antiquarian bookstore in Kansas City.
Website: http://bloomsdaybooks.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ThomasShawverAuthor
Website: http://bloomsdaybooks.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ThomasShawverAuthor
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25509860-the-widow-s-son
Penguin Random House: Penguin Random House
Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OEXM6QA?tag=randohouseinc7986-20
Barnes and Noble: B&N http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-widows-son-thomas-shawver/1120551082?ean=9780804179294&itm=1&usri=9780804179294&cm_mmc=Random%20House-_-PRHEFFDF5A7F1--9780804179294-_-PRHEFFDF5A7F1--9780804179294-_-9780804179294
Books a Million: Books a Million http://www.booksamillion.com/search?query=9780804179294&AID=10876509&PID=2665379&SID=PRHEFFDF5A7F1--9780804179294&where=eBooks
Kobo: Kobo https://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/the-widow-s-son
Review: THE WIDOW'S SON by Thomas Shawver
I'm always excited to see each new entry in this tightly-knit series. The author packs a not-quite-anti hero with a wealth of knowledge of bibliophilia and rare book acquisition. This time rare bookseller Michael Bevan is trying to squirm his way into the Antique Booksellers Association of America, with stymied progress. Then, amazingly, a real gem of Mormon-memorabilia is offered to him, to sell. Just so happens this is the original Book of Mormon edition presented to Alonzo Stagg after the death of Prophet Joseph Smith--and the descendant who owns it years ago vowed to complete Blood Atonement on the remaining progeny of Illinois Governor Thomas Ford, considered culpable in the vigilante murder of Joseph. As always in this series, THE WIDOW'S SON is a real page-turner, with great insights into that rare world of rare tomes.
I reviewed a digital ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley, at no remuneration.
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