Friday, July 31, 2015

TOUR: GIVE THEM PUMPKIN TO TALK ABOUT [Pumpkin Patch #1] by Joyce and Jim Lavene

Give ‘Em Pumpkin To Talk About
by Joyce and Jim Lavene

pumpkin to talk aboutGive Em Pumpkin To Talk About
(Pumpkin Patch Mysteries Book 1)

Cozy Mystery
Print Length: 199 pages
Publisher: J. Lavene (August 4, 2015)

Richmond attorney Sarah Tucker returns to sell her family’s abandoned farm in Misty River, Virginia despite unanswered questions about her grandparents’ disappearance sixteen years earlier. Sarah was only twelve when she went to visit and found her grandparents had vanished. No amount of searching has brought answers.
Now Sarah is faced with other issues when a man is killed who claimed to have information about what happened to her grandparents. She learns of a Confederate chest of gold that is said to be buried on the property, and treasure hunters who are willing to do anything to get their hands on it.
Were her grandparents murdered for the gold? Sarah can’t sell the land and go back to her life until she has answers. But the cost of the answers may be her life.
Includes farm-fresh recipes!

10497504_10203996507538565_7985334038155587208_oAbout these Authors

Joyce and Jim Lavene write award-winning, bestselling mystery fiction as themselves, J.J. Cook, and Ellie Grant. They have written and published more than 70 novels for Harlequin, Berkley, Amazon, and Gallery Books along with hundreds of non-fiction articles for national and regional publications. They live in rural North Carolina with their family.

Author Links

Purchase Link

Review: GIVE THEM PUMPKIN TO TALK ABOUT by Joyce and Jim Levene

I love this book! I was first intrigued by the title, and its reminder of Bonnie Raitt s wonderful song, (Let's Give Them) "Something to Talk About." Then came the opportunity to review for a tour, and what a great, lovable, fast-paced book it turned out to be. Well-tuned, with plenty of romance, mystery, suspense, history, legend--and some just plain ornery people. The book became a really fast read, because I couldn't bear to stop before finishing! So here's my high recommendation, for GIVE THEM PUMPKIN TO TALK ABOUT," for the series, and for the fine co-authors!


  1. Thanks for having us here, Mallory!

  2. *lol* I'm so glad I'm not the only one who made the Bonnie Raitt connection! (I even pumpkined up the words a little. ;) )
