Very graphic, very gory, very violent-not for the faint of heart, the weak of stomach, or the easily imaginative. Mexican drug cartels, desert dives, strange men with no past, and zombies-and always, always, the market to feed the strange one’s planned performances, of zombies and live folks. A man who somehow eludes not just capture but identification, who somehow in the heat of the Mexican desert either produces or stockpiles the zombie virus, who infects the innocent so as to create zombies-such a man needs to be removed, and one young undercover agent is about to do so-if possible. But not just Mr. Undercover have plans-so do the strange cartel enforcer himself, and so does his “head zombie” have plans-of a sort.
I found getting to the meat of the characters and plot (definitely no pun intended) difficult because I was constantly dismayed and distraught at the settings and explicit violence among the humans (it’s expected among zombies).
This edition also contains material from “Fleshbags” and “The Dead Child.”
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