My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I predict a bestseller-and long lines of customers to buy this book. It’s not even my usual type of subgenre, yet I am engrossed. I snarled every time real life tried to interrupt me! All I can say is “Wow!” over and over. The characters, the careful and clear delineation of the layers of emotions, the plot lines, the red herring love interests, the psychological and familial backdrops-just amazing. This is my first book by author Jamie McGuire, but I am definitely a fan now.
Best friends Abby and America are new freshmen at Eastern University, and America’s boyfriend is Shepley, who rooms in an apartment with his cousin Travis “Mad Dog.” Travis has two notable elements to his reputation: he is a fighter-illegally-for money; and he is also known as “One Night Stand,” never with a girlfriend, always with females clinging and wanting attention. The term “commitment-phobic” wouldn’t even scratch the surface of Travis’ attitudes. Abby won’t have any of it, but begins to hang around because America and Shep are so tight. Next thing she knows, Travis’ acting out with other girls becomes even more atrocious, and her interest in a little male attention from a frat brother sets a wedge into her friendship with Travis. When she accompanies Travis to a fight and bets him that the other guy will get in a punch, the bet becomes: Travis’ abstinence for a month, vs. Abby’s staying in the apartment with Travis, Shep, and America for a month. Either way, that’s a recipe for disaster, or a volcanic emotional explosion. Readers will hang on every sentence watching the consequences speedily unfold.
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