Tuesday, January 22, 2013

UPLOAD by Collin Tobin_Review & Blog Tour

Review of Upload by Collin Tobin
5 Stars

A thrill-a-minute suspenseful novel of two upper-age adolescents and their unending quest against all odds to puzzle out the mysteries onto which they unwittingly stumble, “Upload” is a technological-heavy but nevertheless fascinatingly written novel. Jay spends his spare hours hunting for “free” wireless sites, locales where the wi-fi network is unprotected and thus available to “drive-by” users. His best buddy Bennie, confined to a wheelchair because of a congenital disorder, is a hacker extraordinaire. Jay stumbles, literally, on the ending moments of a murder, and the boys discover that part of the murder has been captured on video which uploaded to a nearby cell tower.

Jay’s mother, killed a year earlier, was an FBI agent, so perhaps Jay has inherited the desire to solve puzzles and track down criminals. For Bennie, so immersed in technology, figuring this out is imperative. But neither of the boys nor Bennie’s older sister Chloe, a college student, realize to start with how incredibly dangerous-and fatal-a project they are just beginning to uncover.

http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/0510ed6/" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway

UPLOAD Blog Tour

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the review Mallory! I'm very happy you were able to join the Upload blog tour and let me stop on by :) If any of your readers or friends would like to reach me, I'm at http://www.facebook.com/collintobinwriter.

    Thanks again!
