I chose to review this as an ARC because I am such an admirer of Christopher Fowler (so far, specifically ROOFWORLD and RUNE), but at first (perhaps because the core of the story occurs in Spain), I didn't cotton to it as I'd expected. I thought I was reading a cross of Daphne du Maurier with Sarah Rayne. As I persevered, the tale grew on me. Eventually I realized that I held a story truly terrifying (I expect it will come alive in my dreams). If you're expecting splash and Gore, dripping walls, and rattling chains, keep moving. But if you appreciate the literary tradition that flowered in du Maurier and Rayne, and Charlotte Perkins Gilman: well, here's a house I'd like you to visit--Hyperion House in Spain, the "House of Light" where sunlight graces every single room from sunrise to.sunset....excepting only that set of always darkened, unwindowed rooms built into the mountain which the house abuts.
I reviewed an ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley for the sole purpose of my fair and honest review. No fees were exchanged.
Amazing. Horrific. Terrifying. The best writing I’ve read in ages. Read it for yourself if you don’t believe me, but I can do nothing but recommend it.
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