Tuesday, January 13, 2015

REVIEW: ICE MAN COMETH by C. T. Wente (Jeri Halston #1)


An engrossing and delightfully convoluted thriller/suspense with parallel plot lines and an original premise. One plot line focuses on a cold-hearted, quite possibly sociopathic and definitely cruel, contract killer (international killer-for-hire). The other, much more puzzling plot thread revolves around a young lady in Flagstaff, Arizona, a college graduate with multiple degrees, who periodically receives air mail missives from a deliberately anonymous "admirer," posted from different overseas locales. Author C. T. Wente seamlessly interweaves these threads into a heckuva story.

THE ICE MAN COMETH will be released on January 13, 2015. A previous edition had the title "Don't Eat Dog."

1 comment:

  1. The original book was published under the name "Don't Order Dog".
