I frequently read thrillers. Some are good, some are very good, some are excellent. A few I can't put down. This was true recently of Ben Lieberman' s The Carnage Account, and it holds true for THE ALEXANDRIA PROJECT, which I could not stop reading. The author, a long-term attorney, is also a gifted writer. Even though the plot focuses on cybersecurity and information technology, I followed with no difficulty; Mr. Updegrove covers this territory legibly, so we all can understand. I highly recommend THE ALEXANDRIA PROJECT.
Mallory, I thought I'd let your readers know that the sequel to The Alexandria Project, titled The Lafayette Campaign, a Tale of Deception and Elections, is now available at Amazon. It focuses on a US presidential campaign in which the most unlikely candidates shoot to the top of the polls. Although it was written before the current election cycle, it raises the interesting question of whether citizens would be happier knowing that their polls and primaries were being hacked, or would prefer to think that their neighbors really would like to see Donald Trump win the election. Hmmm. That's a tough one.