In the year 500 on the planet Nibiru, Gemini (Gem) Jupiter earns a comfortable and intriguing living as a private investigator, discoverer of the unexplained. Cushioned by an inheritance, his three-person investigative firm The Tonic searches for the missing and parses the inexplicable in the Eastern city of Myopia. They don't usually have much truck with Perfidia on the Western Continent, where the planetary rulers, the Selectmen, gather, until Gem takes a case there involving possible alien sightings, uncovers an evil conspiracy, and like Horatio in "Hamlet," discovered "there are more things in heaven and earth" than he could dream---or in Gem' s case, more things in and beyond Planet Nibiru.
Reviews by Mallory A. Haws On Goodreads, Amazon. In top 1% of Goodreads reviewers.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Review: MISSING TIME by Ken Scudero
In the year 500 on the planet Nibiru, Gemini (Gem) Jupiter earns a comfortable and intriguing living as a private investigator, discoverer of the unexplained. Cushioned by an inheritance, his three-person investigative firm The Tonic searches for the missing and parses the inexplicable in the Eastern city of Myopia. They don't usually have much truck with Perfidia on the Western Continent, where the planetary rulers, the Selectmen, gather, until Gem takes a case there involving possible alien sightings, uncovers an evil conspiracy, and like Horatio in "Hamlet," discovered "there are more things in heaven and earth" than he could dream---or in Gem' s case, more things in and beyond Planet Nibiru.
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