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Book Blurb
RED IS FOR RAGE is the second book in the award-winning THE COLOR OF EVIL series by Connie Wilson. THE COLOR OF EVIL won the E-Lit Gold Medal for Horror (Jenkins Group) and the Silver Feather (IWPA). Three evil-doers rise up to wreak havoc on a small, mid-western town in this hot follow up.
When Stevie Scranton goes missing, best friend Tad vows to do everything he can to find him. Even if Stevie is dead, his family craves closure. Tad enlists the help of retired policeman Charlie Chandler and a team of volunteers, including Charlie’s old partner, Evelyn Hoeflinger. This rag-tag team of detectives continues searching for Stevie Scranton, the runty misfit of Cedar Falls’ Sky High. In their search, they discover a monster every bit as dangerous as Pogo the Killer Clown.
Michael Clay (the serial killer Pogo) escapes custody. On the loose again, Pogo’s actions restart a vicious cycle of violent nightmares for Tad McGreevy. Pogo has one main goal: kill Tad McGreevy so that Tad cannot disclose Clay’s location. Pogo doesn’t realize that, up until now, Tad has been unable to harness the paranormal ability he possesses. Now, Tad McGreevy must try to learn to use his unique gift. Stevie Scranton’s fate hangs in the balance. Tad’s power, if precognitive, could save everyone he loves.
Jenny SanGiovanni returns from her father’s home in Boulder, Colorado, to finish her senior year with her old classmates. She brings home a new set of problems. Jeremy Gustaffsson, the fifth-year senior boyfriend in Jenny’s junior year, graduated. But Jeremy is still in town, still obsessed with Jenny, still dangerous. When Jenny broke up with Jeremy, it made Jeremy mad. Bad things happen to good people when Jeremy Gustaffsson gets angry and descends into a red rage.
All Jenny’s cheerleader friends from her junior year are back and have problems of their own. Jenny deals with adolescent issues such as self-esteem and self-worth, problems that tax her soul. But Jenny is not alone. Another Sky High student is driven to the brink. Will that individual plunge into the abyss of despair?
About Connie Corcoran Wilson
I am a University of Iowa grad and college professor with 55 years of writing experience. I've written for 5 newspapers and 7 blogs, founded 2 businesses, play 4 musical instruments, and have 2 children (born 20 years apart). I followed the '04 and 08 presidential campaigns "live," write for Yahoo, and am sometimes referred to as T.Q. (Trivia Queen.)I also have 2-year-old twin granddaughters who are great fun.Red is for Rage Tour Stop List
March 16 - The FlipSide of Julianne - Interview with Connie Corcoran WilsonMarch 18 - My Cozie Corner - Review of Red is for Rage
March 19 - Mallory Heart Reviews - Review of Red is for Rage
March 24 - Krystal's Enchanting Reads - Review of Red is for Rage
March 29 - The Cerebral Writer - Interview with Connie Corcoran Wilson
March 30 - - Review of Red is for Rage
http://www.rafflecopter. com/rafl/display/df1c9830/" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway
Review of "Red is for Rage" by Mallory Heart Reviews:
Review of Red is for Rage
Connie Corcoran Wilson
5 stars
“Red is for Rage” is the second book in Ms. Wilson’s “The
Color of Evil” series (I also reviewed the first), and I certainly hope that
there will be a third entry, because the author hooks us at the end with a
cliffhanger, which left this reviewer hungering for more: answers, characters,
continuation of the several plots and subplots. As always, Ms. Wilson juggles a
large cast of characters, develops each, and keeps plots going on all the
burners. If you’re looking for action, it’s here; suspense, it’s here; mystery,
romance, adventure, thrills—“Red is for Rage” has them all. Yes, there is
graphic violence, so I rate it 18+. Author Wilson also approaches some very
painful and tragic real life issues, deals with them smoothly and
empathetically; but the fact is, these situations exist, in reality and in this
book. They’re not pretty and they are tragic, in process and afterward. Some of
the consequences are worked out throughout this story. But Ms. Wilson doesn’t
leave us bereft: there is also hope in this novel, hope for a better present
and an improved future, for several of the characters we’ve come to know so
March 16 - The FlipSide of Julianne - Interview with Connie Corcoran Wilson
March 29 - The Cerebral Writer - Interview with Connie Corcoran Wilson
Interesting review. I like the way you stress the hope part, despite the violence. Nice way to end a thriller.