My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I became a staunch David Wellington fan before I’d even passed the first few sentences. Any author who can write this well, with this powerful impact, who can turn his characters inside out, plot like a demon-deserves the widest possible readership. I found “Frostbite” incredible, and am racing on to read the sequel, “Overwinter,” and then everything else Mr. Wellington has published, including a Zombie trilogy and several vampire novels, as well as others.
Initially “Frostbite” is the story of a hapless female eco-tourist, separated from her group, subsequently lost in the high summer Canadian Arctic North. Ostensibly-because this is no ordinary tourist, no citified lady visiting what is nearly the last remaining primeval wilderness. Cheyenne Clark is a woman with a mission-a woman determined to track and to locate an enemy whose predations she has suffered from since age twelve. But because this is a David Wellington novel, absolutely nothing is as it seems.
Gentle Reader, this is not your ordinary, run-of-the-mill, werewolf novel. Far from it. By the end you will find everything you ever believed about werewolves (and so much else) turned completely inside out and topsy-turvy. Please don’t take my word for it-you MUST read this book!
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